1st Place - Toyota Tacoma: Demeci Espinosa
2nd Place - Televison: Angelica Acosta
3rd Place - iPad: Yolanda
4th Place - Bicicleta: Maribel Rodriguez
Learn more from the Holy Trinity Seminary
Unbound is a lay Catholic sponsorship ministry that helps children and elderly in 17 developing countries. To learn more, call (800) 875-6564 or visit Unbound online at www.unbound.org.
Let us welcome Father Adam Musielak, our new vicar, to the Cathedral.
• See the complete Diocesan list of assignments.
• See the complete Diocesan list of assignments.
We will continue video streaming the Sunday Mass in English at 12 noon and Spanish Mass at 2 p.m. Fr. Jesús Belmontes has decided to stop video streaming on weekdays. We encourage you to join us in person.
Congratulations to the recipients of the Altar Server of the Year award:
(Right to left ) Dayra Garcia, Sarah Flores, and Kaylee Martinez
Thanks for your service and may God bless you in your Ministry!
Congratulations to our recipients of the Bishops Award for Service: Rogelio Acuña & Jacky Nava
May God continue to bless you and be for us a model of dedication and service.
Our goal, $84,000 can only be achieved through YOUR generosity!
If you have not yet made a gift, you can visit: donate.dallasbishopsappeal.com.
Your gift will truly make a difference. Thank you for your prayers and support.
The Cathedral Shrine of the Virgin of Guadalupe, pictured Sept. 29, 2023, will now be known as The National Shrine Cathedral of Our Lady of Guadalupe after being designated as a national shrine by the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops. Dallas Bishop Edward J. Burns announced the new status Oct. 3, 2023. Read more
The Bishop's Annual Appeal is an opportunity to help the Catholic Diocese of Dallas raise necessary funds through the Bishop’s Annual Appeal.
Each year, we commit ourselves to reflect on God’s great generosity and respond with a gift of our own that helps bring others into a relationship with Jesus Christ and His Church.
If you were not able to fill out a pledge card during Mass, please bring it to Mass next week and place in the collection basket, or visit us online for more information and to make a donation: https://donate.dallasbishopsappeal.com
Congratulations to our recipients of the Bishops Award for Service: Vicente Ruiz and Michael Franco
May God continue to bless you and be for us a model of dedication and service.
Congratulations to our recipients of the Bishops Award for Service: José Coronado and Javier Díaz.
Also, Pablo Ortiz of St. Mary of Carmel Church for all the support of our Cathedral.
May God continue to bless you and be for us a model of dedication and service.
Watch video: YouTube
After 100 years of reliable service, our pipe organ blower motor has broken.
After consulting with companies and experts, fixing this will cost 17,481.00.
The change is higher than expected earlier due to a realization that the old blower was undersized for the instrument when the instrument was enlarged in the 1980s.
The good news - after a few weeks of fundraising, we have finally met our goal! We thank you for your donations!
In Memory of:
L.Y. Chang
Peter Chang
Teresa Chang
Li San Wang
Y.K. Wang
Dimitri Tishlias